Tuesday Forgetfulness and Scrappy Baby Bibs

I almost forgot it was Tuesday today. Tuesday is my unofficial Whim reveal day. Forgetting Tuesday would mean no last miniute whim finishing or photo shoots with Anna. Good thing this week’s whim was a smaller time commitment than some have been. Good thing I realized it was Tuesday in time!

The day of the week was overridden by the general feeling of being on vacation that occurs when my husband is home. He’s a long-haul trucker, and makes it home about once a month, with no regularity at all. He comes home when it works out, between loads, or when something else interrupts the dedicated run he makes between Bridgeport, NJ, and New Orleans, LA. Today’s home-time converged with our girls’ spring breaks, so we were five at the table for the big breakfast Jim always loves to cook. This is just another reason I love working from home: I’m here when Hubby gets here.

After breakfast, Jim and I went to look at a few properties as part of our house-hunting hobby. I say hobby because I’m not sure we’re ever going to find the right house to buy, but we are getting really good at eliminating properties! Once we were back home again, I felt overwhelmed by house options and floor plans and still forgot it was Tuesday.

Jim left in the afternoon to head back to the terminal, and I sauntered into my sewing studio, thinking about a few crib skirts waiting to be assembled. And then I remembered it was Tuesday today.

No worries! I’ve made this baby bib pattern twice before, and already had pieced the scraps for two bibs. The basic bib pattern I used is a creation of Jamie Young who blogs about her craftiness here. My sister Trudy first told me about this pattern, and she claims it is her hands down favorite baby bib. She has two adorable grand-babies (love to Lily and Jack) who put her scrappy baby bibs to good use.

Baby bib from pattern on sewshesews.wordpress.com

Scrappiness happiness in baby bib form!

I’m re-posting the tutorial on the baby bib from Jamie’s blog next. Take a look, and then launch yourself out there in experimentation! If you don’t have a baby, a toddler will do. The velcro closing at the neck allows for a variety of neck sizes. Always good to have a few on hand for baby shower invites and babies who drop in at mealtime.

As you can see above, I deviated from Jamie’s basic design in two distinct ways. I pieced the scraps as I whimmed, and I also got a little whimsical with my faux quilting (machine stitching). You have to be careful not to piece too much in the area of the bib that will be the back neck. It’s a narrow tube to turn and seam allowances add bulk. And then go a little crazy if you want. I just let the pattern of the prints lead me where my stitching should go. You can use more scraps as the back fabric, or not. I added a tag before I assembled.

Baby bib from pattern on sewshesews.wordpress.com

Whim 11 scrappy baby bibs, back view

I intend to make up several more of these in the morning. Two bibs did next to nothing in reducing the level of my overflowing my scrap bin. I also have Eliana booked for a little photo shoot with Grammy Cindy, showing off my scrappiness as only she can do. And as it’s almost Wednesday, I’m posting this and signing off.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday Forgetfulness and Scrappy Baby Bibs

  1. These baby bibs looks so awesome and pretty too! I am pretty much sure that they will perfectly suit for our little ones (girl and boy). I like each design, it’s very unique! Great Job!

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